Top 5 Websites To Master Hacking With Kali Linux....
Despite writing so many tutorials on hacking with Kali Linux, I often get stuck and have to consult other resources. My blog has a lot of things but since I myself don't know everything, there's no way I can provide all the resources that you guys need. Here's a list of top 5 websites about hacking with Kali Linux that have enough resources to answer 99.9% of your queries, and have enough tutorials to teach you most of the stuff you need to know to get to a level where you can read the more complex stuff on any website.
5. Null Byte
- Lot of high quality content
- Many content-creator / authors
- Has a forum as well to ask questions
- Active comments section
- Not tailored to Kali
- Navigation not very intuitive. Hard to find out stuff related to Kali.
4. Hacking-Tutorial
- Lot of high quality content
- Mostly articles pertain to Kali Linux or Backtrack (the old posts). The backtrack ones will work with Kali without any changes in commands/procedure.
- Only one author, so all posts are from one guy, means less low quality posts.
- Design looks cluttered. Too many sharing widgets.
- Only one author on this website, while it had it's advantage, there are disadvantages too. There's only so much good stuff one person can write.
3. Hacking Tutorials
- The homepage is quite good and has posts organized by categories.
- Content is high quality (I said this for every damn website I posted here, but then they made it to the list because of the high quality content).
- Has many tutorials that you may not find on other websites (most sites have redundant tutorials, all the sites I've mentioned here will have a post about aircrack-ng, etc., but this site has some uncommon attacks and tools covered as well).
- Not well organized content. You might end up reading something whose prerequisites you don't know and you can't understand what's going on in the tutorial.
- Some very long posts doing stuff no one gives a rats ass about. Basically, lots of unnecessary content. I guess that comes as a side effect of having uncommon tutorials that won't be found on other websites. There's a reason why they aren't on most websites. It's because no is interested in reading them.
2. Black More Ops
- While it's not limited to Kali, most of the content is focused on Kali
- Again, lots of high quality content.
- Navigation much easier
- Some of the posts have nothing but a Youtube video, with no content to go along with it.
- Some posts are news articles, instead of tutorials. Many people may not mind this, but some may.
1. Security Tube
This one has been around for ages too. However, it isn't providing any new free content anymore (but there's a lot of old content which is golden). The owner is now selling certified courses. (the creator is a badass, has written books, sells courses, discovered vulnerabilities and written attacks for WEP, etc.).
- Gold mine of resources if you're really interested in getting into hacking. No script kiddie stuff. The owner makes video tutorials and groups them up into megaprimers. Everything I know about wireless hacking I learnt from his wireless hacking megaprimer (the videos are free, the certification, if you want, will cost you).
- I haven't stressed this enough, no script kiddie stuff. He actually has two assembly language megaprimers (again, free of cost).
- Megaprimers are in very old operating systems, mostly backtrack 5.
- Lets be honest, not everyone wants to watch 10 hours of video to learn the intricacies of hacking. Some are happy using tools and not caring about why or how they work. Unless you want to pursue a career in security, knowing how to use the tools would often be enough.
Despite the disadvantages, it's an awesome website. If you are really a security enthusiast, this is the go to site. All the other sites I've mentioned, as well as my blog, can't give you the in depth knowledge you can get from there
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